Sunday, December 13, 2009


I KNOW I'm overdue, it's just school's a pain. So just a quick update this week.

PRINCESS AND THE FROG IS OUT! I haven't seen it yet, but it's garnering alot of honors and positive reviews.

spoilers here, sort of...

Both of these songs are done by Voice Actors. Jim Cummings is Ray, and Keith David (Goliath from Gargoyles) is Dr. Facilier. As far as I can tell, these two characters stole the show.

The Lulu mentioned in Jim Cummings Song, is named after his adopted Daughter. His other adopted Daughter made it in the film physically. She has a "Mickey Mouse" hairstyle. He took a picture of her, and then took it to the animators. She's in the background or something somewhere.

Keith David was lauded for his ability to add in little movements which were then worked into the character, particularly Keith David's sinister smile.

This isn't new. Rattigan was turned very muscular and Dramatic based on Vincent Price's Shakespearean acting in the booth.

Anyway, go see this movie!